
Showing posts from 2018

Red Bird, Pine

Cry from Her Voice

Human Fire and Friend

To the Moon

I've been watching you walk

Peace on Earth


Wild Winter

Pine Smell, Cold

Quetzalcoatl, fighting for Earth

Sing to Him

Blessed Woman.

Something to Think About.

High Priestess

Wolf Head

Memories on Wings

Jack & Rosemary


Blurred Lines

How Beautiful

X Marks the Spot

Rabbit Strength and Lovely Eyes

Fall Down

Moose Tattoo Design

Osgood & Hark


No Regrets

Night Magic

A 2015 Night

Red Sun Cliff

Didn't ever die, but I had a vision.

Hidden Runt


In the Summer silence

The Unknown World

Unhealthy relations

Women of God

2018 Sample Portfolio